I thought Neve Campbell was pretty good, she had believable chemistry with Dwayne and she breathes life into what could be a stale character. He tries as hard as he can, and he works in this more often than he doesn't.
Dwayne Johnson is a bona fide movie star and he gives a decent performance. Getting past whether the writer/director was aiming for this kind of film or if they stumbled into it, I have to credit the cast for making lemonade out of lemons. How in on the joke was the creative team? I honestly don't know, I want to believe they were but some of the decisions the characters make contradict that line of thinking (this is a continual problem not just a one off). There are times where the screenwriter (Rawson Marshall Thurber pulling both writing and directing duties) seems to be tipping his cap to the audience (the jokes around duct tape work the best) but as the movie slips farther and farther into cliche and implausibility, the more difficult I have extending that praise. Does it differentiate from those movies? I think it does but not always in a good way. This isn't new, you've got the classics like Die Hard and this movie uses them as a foundation to build upon. With a high rise building on fire, Will Sawyer (Dwayne Johnson) must save his wife Sarah (Neve Campbell) and his kids from a team of terrorists led by Kores Botha (Roland Moller). Skyscraper's premise is pretty easy to put together, the poster for the movie almost encompasses it entirely.